Research Publications
The UnACoRN Study
Conversion Practices
Health and Equity
The UnACoRN Study
Research Publications
- Gumprich, M., Watt, S., Black, S., Jebalayan, T., Delgado-Ron, J., & Salway T. (2024). Nonbinary youth and young adult experiences in organized team sports in Canada. International Journal of LGBTQ+ Youth Studies [Online]. doi:10.1080/29968992.2024.2421208
- Pirani, Y., Delgado-Ron, J. A., Marinho, P., Gupta, A, Grey, E., Watt, S., MacKinnon, K., & Salway, T. (2024). Frequency of self-reported persistent post-treatment genital hypesthesia among past antidepressant users: a cross-sectional survey of sexual and gender minority youth in Canada and the US. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
- MacKinnon, Kinnon R., Jeyabalan, Thiyaana, Strang, J., Delgado-Ron, J.A., Lam, June S.H., Gould, Wren A., Cooper, Alex, & Salway, Travis. (2024). Discontinuation of Gender-Affirming Medical Treatments: Prevalence and Associated Features in a Nonprobabilistic Sample of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents and Young Adults in Canada and the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health 75(4), 569-577.
- Delgado‐Ron JA, Jeyabalan T, Watt S, Salway T. (2024). Mitigating invalid data bias in the estimation of sexual orientation disparities in a survey of youth in US and Canada. Child Development 95, e373–e376.
- Delgado-Ron JA, Jeyabalan T, Watt S, Black S, Gumprich M, Salway T. Sampling sexual and gender minority youth with UnACoRN (Understanding Affirming Communities, Relationships, and Networks): lessons from a web-based survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 25, e44175.
Thesis work
- Lo, Ren Ho Mun, The colours of the rainbow: an exploratory quantitative analysis of identity affirmation among sexual and gender minority people of colour in North America.
- Gumprich, Martha. Non-binary youth experiences in organized team sports in Canada. 2023.
Reports and Publications
- The UnACoRN Report: about the survey participants
- Gumprich M & Hare N. The Canadian non-binary youth in sport report. 2023.
Reports and Publications – Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction
Conversion Practices
Research Publications
- Tiwana A, Salway T, Schillaci-Ventura J, Watt S. Geographic distribution of conversion therapy prevalence in Canada. Findings from a national cross-sectional survey, 2020. F1000Research. 2023;12.
- Goodyear T, Delgado-Ron JA, Ashley F, Knight R, Salway T. Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts and suicidality: Evidence, challenges, and future research directions. LGBT health. 2023 Jul 1;10(5):339-43.
- Salway T, Juwono S†, Klassen B, Ferlatte O, Ablona A, Pruden H, Morgan J, Kwag M, Card K, Knight R, Lachowsky NJ. Experiences with sexual orientation and gender identity conversion therapy practices among sexual minority men in Canada, 2019–2020.
- Goodyear T, Kinitz DJ, Dromer E, Gesink D, Ferlatte O, Knight R, Salway T. “They want you to kill your inner queer but somehow leave the human alive”: Delineating the impacts of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts. J Sex Res 2021.
- Salway T, Ferlatte O, Gesink D, Lachowsky NJ. Prevalence of exposure to sexual orientation change efforts and associated sociodemographic characteristics and psychosocial health outcomes among Canadian sexual minority men. Can J Psychiatry 2020;65(7): 502-509.
Reports and Presentations
- Salway T, Dromer E, Ferlatte O, Gesink D, Goodyear T, Kinitz DJ, Knight R, Watt S. Canadian research concerning the prevalence, nature, and scope of so-called “conversion therapy.” Brief submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, concerning Bill C-6, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (“conversion therapy”). 2020 Dec 4.
- Ending conversion therapy in Canada: Survivors, community leaders, researchers, and allies address the current and future states of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts.2020 February 18. Vancouver, Canada.
- Salway T. What is so-called “conversion therapy” and how can we stop it? 2021. SFU Public Square.
Tiwana A. Geographic distribution of conversion therapy in Canada. 2021. SFU Public Square.
Salway T (with Erika Muse, Matt Ashcroft, Nick Schiavo, and Wendy Vanderwal-Gritter). Ending, Healing, and Learning – The Current and Future State of SOGICE. CBRC Summit 2019.
Sexual Heath Education
Research Publications
Black S, Watt S, Koenig B, Salway T. (2024). “You have to be a bit of a rogue teacher”–A qualitative study of sex educators in Metro Vancouver. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 33(1), 109-20.
Health Outcomes and Equity
Research Publications
Salway, Travis, Delgado-Ron, Jorge, Rich, Ashleigh, Dharma, Christoffer, Baams, Laura & Fish, Jessica. (2024). Trends in mental health and smoking disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual adults in Canada, 2003-2020. SSM Population Health 27, 101697.
Salway T, Gesink D, Ferlatte O, Rich AJ, Rhodes AE, Brennan DJ, Gilbert M. Age, period, and cohort patterns in the epidemiology of suicide attempts among sexual minorities in the United States and Canada: detection of a second peak in middle adulthood. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2021;56(2):283-294.
Salway T, Butt ZA, Wong S, Abdia Y, Balshaw R, Rich AJ, Ablona A, Wong J, Grennan T, Yu A, Alvarez M, Rossi C, Gilbert M, Krajden M, Janjua NZ. A computable phenotype model for classification of men who have sex with men within a large linked database of laboratory, surveillance, and administrative healthcare records. Front Digit Health 2020.
Salway T, Plöderl M, Liu J, Gustafson P. Effects of multiple forms of information bias on estimated prevalence of suicide attempts by sexual orientation: An application of a Bayesian misclassification correction method to data from a systematic review. Am J Epidemiol 2019;188(1):239-249.
Salway T, Ross LE, Fehr CP, Burley J, Asadi S, Hawkins B, Tarasoff LA. A systematic review and meta-analysis of disparities in the prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt among bisexual populations. Arch Sex Behav 2019;48(1):89-111.
Sexual and Mental Health
Research publications
Black S, Salway T, Dove N, Shoveller J, Gilbert M.From silos to buckets: a qualitative study of how sexual health clinics address their clients’ mental health needs. Can J Public Health 2020; 111(2):220-228.
Salway T, Ferlatte O, Shoveller J, Purdie A, Grennan T, Tan DHS, Consolacion T, Rich A, Dove N, Samji H, Scott K, Blackwell E, Mirau D, Holgerson N, Wong J, Gilbert M.The need and desire for mental health and substance use-related services among clients of publicly funded sexually transmitted infection clinics in Vancouver, Canada.J Public Health Manag Pract 2019;25(3):E1-E10.
Reports and Presentations
Kennedy A. The changing landscape of LGBTQ2-centered mental health and substance use service delivery in the context of COVID-19: A qualitative study of healthcare providers.CBRC Summit 2020.
Salway T. Syndemic service integration: How can sexual health clinics address population inequities in access to mental health services? Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance, Toronto, Ontario.
Beyond Affirmation: Queering the 2S/LGBTQ+ Initialism in Mental Health